Archive for the ‘All Articles’ Category

Regional probabilistic climate projection for Japan with a regression model using multi-model ensemble experiments

Noriko N. Ishizaki, Koji Dairaku, Genta Ueno
Received 2016/09/05, Accepted 2016/12/21, Published 2017/02/10

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Statistical evaluation of future soil moisture changes in East Asia projected in a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble

Tosiyuki Nakaegawa
Received 2016/11/08, Accepted 2016/12/17, Published 2017/02/08

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Nationwide assessment of the impact of climate change on agricultural water resources in Japan using multiple emission scenarios in CMIP5

Ryoji Kudo, Takeo Yoshida, Takao Masumoto
Received 2016/09/05, Accepted 2016/12/15, Published 2017/02/04

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Comparative study on climate change impact on precipitation and floods in Asian river basins

Yoichi Iwami, Akira Hasegawa, Mamoru Miyamoto, Shun Kudo, Yusuke Yamazaki, Tomoki Ushiyama, Toshio Koike
Received 2016/09/02, Accepted 2016/12/04, Published 2017/02/04

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Estimating probability of extreme rainfall over Japan using Extended Regional Frequency Analysis

Masato Sugi, Yukiko Imada, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa, Kenji Kamiguchi
Received 2016/09/08, Accepted 2016/12/09, Published 2017/02/01

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