Archive for 2018

Flood risk curve development with probabilistic rainfall modelling and large ensemble climate simulation data: a case study for the Yodo River basin
Tomohiro Tanaka, Yasuto Tachikawa, Yutaka Ichikawa, Kazuaki Yorozu
Received 2018/08/27, Accepted 2018/11/12, Published 2018/12/21
Analytical solution for a radial advection-dispersion equation including both mechanical dispersion and molecular diffusion for a steady-state flow field in a horizontal aquifer caused by a constant rate injection from a well
Masaatsu Aichi, Kento Akitaya
Received 2018/05/23, Accepted 2018/07/18, Published 2018/09/04
Evaluation of future flood risk in Asian megacities: a case study of Jakarta
Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, So Kazama, Idham Riyando Moe, Shuichi Kure
Received 2018/03/27, Accepted 2018/06/09, Published 2018/07/18
Impacts of climate and land use changes on river discharge in a small watershed: a case study of the Lam Chi subwatershed, northeast Thailand
Patchares Chacuttrikul, Masashi Kiguchi, Taikan Oki
Received 2017/12/27, Accepted 2018/04/28, Published 2018/06/21
Exploring optimal tank size for rainwater harvesting systems in Asian tropical climates
Vuong Minh Nguyen, Yutaka Ichikawa, Hiroshi Ishidaira
Received 2017/11/09, Accepted 2018/02/14, Published 2018/03/27