Impact of rice cultivation on evapotranspiration in small seasonal wetlands of north-central Namibia
Ayumi Kotani, Tetsuya Hiyama, Takeshi Ohta, Miho Hanamura, Jack R Kambatuku, Simon K Awala, Morio Iijima
Received 2017/04/04, Accepted 2017/05/25, Published 2017/06/22
Identifying dominant runoff mechanisms and their lumped modeling: a data-based modeling approach
Yoshiyuki Yokoo, Takahiko Chiba, Yudai Shikano, Chris Leong
Received 2017/04/02, Accepted 2017/04/28, Published 2017/06/21
Bias correction of simulated storm surge height considering coastline complexity
Jung-A Yang, Sooyoul Kim, Nobuhito Mori, Hajime Mase
Received 2017/03/06, Accepted 2017/04/19, Published 2017/05/25
Effects of sediment replenishment on riverbed material size distribution and attached algal biomass in the downstream reaches of a dam
Yukio Miyagawa, Tetsuya Sumi, Yasuhiro Takemon, Sohei Kobayashi
Received 2017/01/31, Accepted 2017/04/11, Published 2017/05/19
Virtually experiencing future climate changes in Central America with MRI-AGCM: climate analogues study
Reinhardt E. Pinzón, Kenshi Hibino, Izuru Takayabu, Tosiyuki Nakaegawa
Received 2016/12/05, Accepted 2017/03/06, Published 2017/05/16